18 January 2012



Bottom fuselage

All parts of the bottom fuselage which were applied with primer were clecoed after the parts was dried.

The longerons and the skin were riveted as well the lateral and diagonal L angle were riveted.

The middle of the bottom fuselage was riveted and the front and rear bottom fuselage were left clecoed so that the works for the front fuselage and the rudder fuselage can be continued after the tail fuselage assembly have assembled.

Riveted part was examined to meet the standard.

Left fuselage

With a #20 drill bits, both forward and rear H.T frame was drilled through the skin.

To fit the diagonal rivet line between both rear H.T frame, the L angle was cutted.

Center line was drawn on the L angle so that it align with the diagonal rivet line.

With a #40 and then #20 drill bits, the L angles was drilled according to the plan.

Right fuselage

Holes along the longerons and the L angles were then clecoed with a #40 cleco so that the parts are ready

to be drill with a #30 drill bits later.

With #30 drill bits, the holes were drilled along the L angles and along the longerons as specified in the plan.

Left fuselage

The longerons and L angles ( diagonal and lateral ) were drilled with a #30 drill bits.

Top fuselage

Every parts was deburred and alodined.

After about 5 minutes, the parts was then washed with water and let it dried.